Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found here. If the API is already migrated you can check here if exists in a module. More information regarding the migration can be found here


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
ProcessUtils.findFile dirs tool
Signature: dirs:seq<string> -> tool:string -> string

Searches the given directories for the given file, failing if not found. Considers PATHEXT on Windows.

ProcessUtils.findFiles dirs tool
Signature: dirs:seq<string> -> tool:string -> seq<string>

Searches the given directories for all occurrences of the given file name, on windows PATHEXT is considered (and preferred when searching)

Signature: tool:string -> seq<string>

Searches the current directory and in PATH for the given file and returnes the result ordered by precendence. Considers PATHEXT on Windows.

Signature: envVar:string -> tool:string -> recursiveDirs:seq<string> -> string

Like tryFindLocalTool but returns the tool string if nothing is found (will probably error later, but this function is OK to be used for fake default values.

ProcessUtils.tryFindFile dirs tool
Signature: dirs:seq<string> -> tool:string -> string option

Searches the given directories for all occurrences of the given file name. Considers PATHEXT on Windows.

Signature: tool:string -> string option

Searches the current directory and the directories within the PATH environment variable for the given file. If successful returns the full path to the file. Considers PATHEXT on Windows.


  • file - The file to locate
Signature: envVar:string -> tool:string -> recursiveDirs:seq<string> -> string option

Find a local tool in the given envar the given directories, the current directory or PATH (in this order) Recommended usage tryFindLocalTool "TOOL" "tool" [ "." ]

Signature: additionalDirs:seq<string> -> tool:string -> string option

Tries to find the tool via given directories. If no path has the right tool we are trying the current directory and the PATH system variable. Considers PATHEXT on Windows.

ProcessUtils.tryFindTool envVar tool
Signature: envVar:string -> tool:string -> string option

Tries to find the tool via Env-Var. If no path has the right tool we are trying the PATH system variable. Considers PATHEXT on Windows.