Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found here. If the API is already migrated you can check here if exists in a module. More information regarding the migration can be found here


This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.


Contains functions which allow to remove side-by-side specs during the build.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
AllNUnitReferences elementName s
Signature: elementName:'?11346 -> s:string -> bool
Type parameters: '?11346 Attributes:
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

All references to nunit.*.dlls

AllSpecAndTestDataFiles elementName s
Signature: elementName:string -> s:string -> bool
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

All Spec.cs or Spec.fs files and all files containing TestData

AllSpecFiles elementName s
Signature: elementName:'?11348 -> s:string -> bool
Type parameters: '?11348 Attributes:
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

All Spec.cs or Spec.fs files

Nothing arg1 arg2
Signature: '?11351 -> '?11352 -> bool
Type parameters: '?11351, '?11352 Attributes:
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

A Convention which matches nothing

Signature: projectFileName:string -> string
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

Removes all NUnit references from a project.

Signature: projectFileName:string -> string
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

Removes all spec and test data references from a project.

Signature: assemblyFilterF:(string -> string -> bool) -> fileFilterF:(string -> string -> bool) -> projectFileName:string -> string
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]

This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.

Removes test data and test files from a given MSBuild project and recursivly from all MSBuild project dependencies.


  • assemblyFilterF - A filter function for assembly references.
  • fileFilterF - A filter function for files in a project.
  • projectFileName - The MSBuild project to start.