Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found
If the API is already migrated you can check
here if exists in a module.
More information regarding the migration can be found
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
Contains functions which allow to remove side-by-side specs during the build.
Function or value | Description |
AllNUnitReferences elementName s
Signature: elementName:'?11346 -> s:string -> bool
Type parameters: '?11346
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
All references to nunit.*.dlls
AllSpecAndTestDataFiles elementName s
Signature: elementName:string -> s:string -> bool
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
All Spec.cs or Spec.fs files and all files containing TestData
AllSpecFiles elementName s
Signature: elementName:'?11348 -> s:string -> bool
Type parameters: '?11348
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
All Spec.cs or Spec.fs files
Nothing arg1 arg2
Signature: '?11351 -> '?11352 -> bool
Type parameters: '?11351, '?11352
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
A Convention which matches nothing
Signature: projectFileName:string -> string
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
Removes all NUnit references from a project.
Signature: projectFileName:string -> string
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
Removes all spec and test data references from a project.
Signature: assemblyFilterF:(string -> string -> bool) -> fileFilterF:(string -> string -> bool) -> projectFileName:string -> string
[<Obsolete("This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.")>]
This API is obsolete. There is no alternative in FAKE 5 yet. You can help by porting this module.
Removes test data and test files from a given MSBuild project and recursivly from all MSBuild project dependencies.
assemblyFilterF - A filter function for assembly references.
fileFilterF - A filter function for files in a project.
projectFileName - The MSBuild project to start.