Note: This is the migration API reference for FAKE 5. The new (modularized) API documentation can be found here. If the API is already migrated you can check here if exists in a module. More information regarding the migration can be found here


FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead


Contains functions to execute typical HTTP/REST calls.

Nested types and modules


FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead

Option type for the HTTP verb

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
ExecuteGetCommand userName password url
Signature: userName:string -> password:string -> url:string -> string
[<Obsolete("FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead")>]

FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead

Executes an HTTP GET command and retrives the information. It returns the response of the request, or null if we got 404 or nothing.


  • userName - The username to use with the request.
  • password - The password to use with the request.
  • url - The URL to perform the GET operation.
ExecutePost url userName password data
Signature: url:string -> userName:string -> password:string -> data:string -> string
[<Obsolete("FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead")>]

FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead

Executes an HTTP POST command and retrives the information. It returns the response of the request, or null if we got 404 or nothing.


  • url - The URL to perform the POST operation.
  • userName - The username to use with the request.
  • password - The password to use with the request.
  • data - The data to post.
Signature: headerF:(WebHeaderCollection -> unit) -> url:string -> userName:string -> password:string -> data:string -> string
[<Obsolete("FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead")>]

FAKE0001 Use the Fake.Net.Http module instead

Executes an HTTP POST command and retrives the information.
This function will automatically include a "source" parameter if the "Source" property is set. It returns the response of the request, or null if we got 404 or nothing.


  • headerF - A function which allows to manipulate the HTTP headers.
  • url - The URL to perform the POST operation.
  • userName - The username to use with the request.
  • password - The password to use with the request.
  • data - The data to post.